Audio MP3 Maker 1.16
1007 KB

Audio MP3 Maker 1.16

Rips the audio tracks from Audio CDs to MP3 format
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
1007 KB

Converts the data from the Audio CDs to the MP3 format with the possibility to customize the output file. Besides data extractions, it converts WAV files to MP3 as well and plays them right in the same interface. Supports multi-threading when encodes audio files from CD to MP3.

Audio MP3 Maker is a powerful CD tracks to MP3 converter, as well as an MP3-to-WAV decoder. The application 'grabs' the audio tracks from a recorded audio CD and converts them to Windows WAV format. Right after that, the program itself encodes those WAV files to convert them to regular audio MP3 files. As many other Audio Grabbers or Audio Rippers, this program includes a complete audio (MP3 and CD) player for pre-listening purposes, as well as for checking the encoded MP3 files.

Audio MP3 Maker supports batch conversion, encoding all the tracks in the conversion list one by one. The user can select the files to convert.

CD tracks ripping and MP3 encoding are done using multithread technology, to insure the best quality and to quickly obtain the result files. User inserts an Audio CD into the CD-ROM unit and the application will inmediately read all the tracks information and will show them in the user interface. After that, the user can select (or deselect) the tracks to convert, just with a single mouse click.

The user can also decide if (s)he wants to save the selected converted tracks to WAV or MP3 format. The destination folder for encoded files can also be selected easily by the user. When the files have to be converted to MP3 format, the application will convert all the selected tracks to Windows WAV format first and then to MP3, so the user's system should be able to handle these huge raw files (his disk unit must have enough free space for the conversion process).

During the grabbing time, the application will show all the data about this operation: progress rate, tracks to be grabbed, time spent, remaining time and the ripping speed. User can cancel the process anytime by clicking on the 'Cancel' button. By activating different options, user can set various settings, such as Auto-detection for the CD unit, specify the CD rom brand, save directory, etc. as well as rates and qualities for the MP3 encoding.

IS Senior editor
Ignacio Solves
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Review summary


  • Intuitive and easy-to-follow user interface


  • None


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